Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Worst Virus

Gavin, Logan and I all got this nasty virus this last weekend and it really through a wrench in everything. I have been doing tons of laundry and Gavin has regressed from potty training. He was completly trained and now I feel like we have to start all over. That bums me out and Chris is gone all week which doesn't help. Chris and I have been talking about the idea of having a third child, but I feel like I have enough pressure. I know my limit and I truly believe that two is it! I am learning more and more how much Gavin is just like me and that cause a lot of conflict between us. He is my little perfectionist, but it seems that he never wants to do what I want. Logan is doing great and is moving around a lot now. He is always happy and just loves his brother so much. It is so much fun to see them laugh at eachother.

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